The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 33: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam discover that another labeling law change is slated for the next couple of years, this time for nutrition information on the products.  This leads to a discussion over the confusion of current serving sizes (you mean I’m supposed to only eat half of this sausage?!?!)  We also talk about the recent “Trends in Gluten-Free Nutrition: 2016 Conference” that recently took place. We share some of the companies that are doing the best job self-policing themselves to keep you safe. 

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 32: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam are excited to be joined by special guest and longtime listener Aaron Bull. Aaron is a fellow celiac and a talented web designer (who created our Celiac Project website). In addition, Aaron is an avid cyclist. We talk about some of the challenges of being long rides and some helpful hints to make them easier. We also discuss some of the reasons that many people with celiac disease choose to work for themselves.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 31: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam talk about the Olympics, athletes who are gluten free, and some of the benefits they might be getting. We also discuss the difference between the placebo and nocebo effect.

The Food Network “Chopped Junior” champion, Maizy Boosin, doesn’t just have celiac disease, she advocates for awareness on an episode. Watching the show we were so impressed with Maizy as she pledged, if she won, to give half of her $10,000 prize to one of the celiac groups to help raise awareness! On the subject of food, we talk about two great celiac bloggers and authors, their obsessions with the Food Network (Erica Dermer) and one who staged her own version of Chopped Junior (April Peveteaux).

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 30: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

24 hours after the news comes out that Columbia University has developed a test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity (called wheat sensitivity in the test), Mike and Cam discuss. They also talk about their hopes for a celiac test for people who have already gone off gluten. To this point, they take a deeper look at the so called “gluten challenge,”some of the issues with it, and the fact that the medical community can’t come to an agreement about how to actually administer the gluten challenge.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 29 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

It is summertime and a perfect opportunity to talk about Cam’s latest trip to Michigan. He talks about the ritual and preparation that helps him most enjoy his family’s vacations. Mike and Cam also share many of their top travel tips to stay safe on the road including an app (and website) that no celiac or gluten-free eater should be without.

Check out this episode!

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 28 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

This week’s podcast takes a look at a Buzzfeed video, in which four of their employees agree to go gluten free for a month. Mike and Cam share their many thoughts on this kind of “not so scientific” testing (including one woman who continues eating her veggie bacon not knowing it contains gluten #readtheingredientspeople!) You might be surprised by some of the outcomes of this experiment and some of our opinions of it.

Check out this episode!

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 27: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

In Part 2 of our special restaurant series, Ashley Mazur, Marketing & Media Director of the world famous Berghoff restaurant in Chicago shares some of the amazing history of the restaurant (including the fact that they were the first in Chicago to receive a liquor license after prohibition ended)! We go in depth from the restaurant’s point of view as well as how they became one of the very first restaurants to go through Beyond Celiac’s “Great Kitchens” program. You won’t want to miss this informative, eye-opening episode as we hear some of the biggest challenges that a restaurant faces in order to keep its celiac and allergic guests safe.

Check out this episode!

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 26: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

We all have learned by now that not all gluten free restaurants and kitchens are created equally. On this week’s podcast, Beckee Moreland talks about her mission to change that one kitchen at a time. Beckee helped start the GREAT Kitchens program, assisting restaurants, colleges and camps to have safe gluten free kitchens including the education of cooks and servers through an accreditation program.

Check out this episode!

Bread on my salad? OH NO!

Aaron the web guy here. I have to share a story. Last week we went to a local Italian place. They have a large amount of GF options & always take great care of people that choose or have to eat GF. I ordered a GF pizza & a hard cider (of course that is naturally GF). I also ordered one of my absolute favorites: a Caprese salad. Since we’ve been here before I didn’t have to stress the GF side of things. Again, they already take good care of those that order GF.

A few minutes pass. Our drinks show up. My wife’s appetizer shows up & then my salad shows up. My wife saw that I was very obviously disappointed & incredibly stressed out. On the side was a gluten-full roll. As we all know you can’t simply remove it & eat what’s there. I checked the menu. There was no mention of a roll. The last time I ordered this salad a roll didn’t make an appearance. But then I remembered. The last time we went to this place a friend of ours was our server. She knows that I’m GF & took extra “friend”care of me to make sure I was safe in the sense that I didn’t have to ask or remind.

So I walked to the waitress stand. You know at this point that this can either go really well or really bad. I’m VERY happy to report that she & the other staff were very apologetic. She even mentioned that she should have caught on considering I ordered both a GF meal & GF drink. She very quickly had another one made & brought it out to me, again apologizing the entire time. I commended her on the way she handled it as she did such a great job!

All that to write, what are some positive experiences that you’ve had while dining out gluten free?