The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 122: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Author and fellow Celiac, Keith Van Sickle, join Mike and Cam for a second time, this time with Keith’s wife, Val. They share with us some of the main differences living gluten free in France versus the U.S. They also share some of their top tips navigating restaurants and social situations, which in France, almost always involve food. You’ll feel like you’ve just visited Provence after this captivating discussion!

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The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 121: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

We look at 2 seemingly conflicting recent studies.  A recent study conducted by the FDA says that food labeled gluten free almost always adheres to the gluten free standards in the U.S. The other study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that most celiacs are consuming a much higher level of gluten than is safe. So what gives? We speculate on some of the reasons why we think this is happening.

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The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 119: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Just one year ago, Mike and Cam met fellow celiac advocate, Katie Jones, and heard her harrowing story about living with brittle bone disease and how her dog, Piper, helped her heal from that. Katie updates us on her latest challenges of being diagnosed with MALS and POTS. Find out how she’s turned her latest road blocks into ways to inspire and support others!

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The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 117: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

This week the guys go deep into an interesting post by Janaki Jitchotvisut entitled ” 9 Myths about Celiac Disease…” published on the website “Insider”. You will hear which of the “myths” Mike and Cam strongly agree with and which they think need slightly more clarification. Next week in part 2 of this series, they talk about the post, 13 “Harmless” Comments that Actually Hurt People with Celiac Disease, by Casey the College Celiac.

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The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 115: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam discuss Willem Karel Dicke, a pioneer in understanding that the gluten free diet is the key to treating celiac disease.  In an article titled, “How Famine Under the Nazis Revealed the Cause of Celiac Disease,” we see for the first time, how this great doctor used the tragic situation of the famine in the Netherlands to begin to really understand CD. We also compare Dicke’s work to that of Dr. Sidney Haas who popularized the “banana diet” to treat celiac disease starting in the 1920s, and how that might ultimately still be holding the U.S. back.

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